Find a Flock for Your Journey

Ruth Guillen
2 min readJan 9, 2022

I look up to see the geese flying overhead during the winter. Their familiar V-shaped formation seems pretty effortless. Even when there’s just a few of them, they somehow manage to get in the formation as they call out to the group they’re flying to meet.

The geese know things.

Photo by Gary Bendig on Unsplash

Technically, when they’re on the ground, they’re called a gaggle of geese and when they’re flying, they’re a skein of geese. Either way, they get the idea that it’s easier to do things if they’re in their group.

When they’re flying in a V formation, they position themselves behind the lead. Each one has a spot, and he adjusts until he’s using the least amount of effort for his flight. They’re all going the same way but having a group of them makes it easier to get there. When the lead bird gets tired, he falls back and another takes his spot. And the whole skein just keeps flying to their destination.

They share the load.

Creatives can do the same thing.

· Find people who share in your creativity.

· Share in the ups and downs of the journey.

· When you have something to contribute, take the lead.

· When you’re exhausted in body or spirit, fall back and let someone else lead.

When you finish your creative project, touch down in the water and celebrate your win with your flock.

Be like the geese. They get it.

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